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Hitting Your Problem With A Hammer!

Updated: Aug 20, 2020

Dear Friend,

I’m back again.


I spent most of last week seeing an old colleague and planning some stuff too.

Or something to that effect…

Anyway… for some unknown reason I recalled an old work memory, which came to mind whilst talking to him.

Way back when I was a production engineer sorting out plant systems and machinery in South Africa. My colleague and friend John Johnson, Maintenance Manager heard an unusual sound in a conveying machine.

I distinctly remember him picking up a hammer out of his toolkit. Then, whacking the machine motor in a precise spot.

Yep sure enough the noise had gone!

Then he said, “you owe me 1 Rand for hitting the machine, and 999 Rand for knowing where to hit the machine…” preceding to tell me the famous story of the old engineer and hammer trick.

Moral of the story

When something isn’t working, don’t just keep pushing water up a hill hoping the problem is going to change by it self.

Take time to find the right expertise to help you… A fresh pair of eyes can make the world of difference.

Which is why you should message me and zip over to and book a free 15-minute brainstorming session with me.

I’ll ask you a few questions about your current project challenges you’re facing. And, I’ll give you a handful of ideas you could plug into your problems right way.

Doesn’t that sound a good deal?

Yes, it certainty does Ian - the only sane response to that question.



P.S. If you type into your browser You can download my 25 weapons of persuasion for nothing.

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