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Why Model-T Got It Right…

Updated: Aug 19, 2020

Model T Ford Car

Dear Friend,

Ever heard Henry Fords famous saying?

A customer can have a car painted any colour he wants as long as it’s black”

I’m not a huge fan of this man but nevertheless his saying rings so true.

And it came to mind yesterday when my entire LinkedIn feed is swamped with all manner of convoluted posts.

Some posts were so soulless it beggars belief…

Same old, same old, coaches and gurus handling out all sorts of advice – telling you to smash down your barrier and nothing is impossible bollocks.

You know, you’ve heard this blithering stuff, right?

Good. So here’s a cure to the problem… yes, it’s called the art of simplicity and stop promising the blasted earth.

Here are some tactics to liven up your posts:

1. Write as you speak, as if you were having a chat in a pub

2. Limit he use of adjectives and adverts in your language

3. Write short, simple tense sentences in English

It’s all pretty simple stuff, but none of its easy (why most won’t try to do it, and others who do fail miserably).

If you’d like some mentoring help to rapidly delivery your project, then message me so we can jump onto Skype and chat.

I can’t solve your problem on a call but I can give you a bunch of ideas to chew upon.

One small step at a time… makes big changes overtime.



P.S.hop over to and grab my free 25 killer persuasion tactics.

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